14 Days money back gurantee

If you are not satisfied with CLOUDVOCAL’s product for any reason, you may send your refund request to service@cloudvocal.com

To return the product for a refund. Customers have 14 days (from the signed & received day) of trial period before applying for the refund (Purchase Price).
Please note, regardless you paid for the shipping or was eligibile for free shipping. Shipping cost will be deducted from your refund.
From the 15th to the 28th day, a 15% restocking fee will be charged.

Once we receive the return request, customers need to follow the instructions to complete refund process:

1. Make sure everything is included in the return package

2. Customer will need to contact local courier for picking up the return package

3. Plaese note that Cloudvocal will need to receive the return package within 14 working days (Weekend exlcuded). Any delay delivery will be charged additional 10% processing fee from the original refund amount.

*Refunds are only applicable to products purchased directly from cloudvocal.com and will not be accepted for products purchased from other unauthorized sources.